Brazil’s premier platform for AI-driven credit decisions and credit services

Our Technology Edge:
unique, AI-driven “lab to market” advantage

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Continuous Learning System Results

  • 0.79 AUC score (highest in Brazil)
  • < 0.01% net fraud rate (vs 0.43% market)
  • 4.0% delinquency (vs 7.0% market)

AI-Enabled Customer Analysis

  • AI + 8 data sources to deliver Brazil’s lowest net fraud rates
  • Onboard the preponderance of customers in < 3 minutes with no photo ID

Onboarding & KYC

Proven to reduce net fraud to < 0.01%

  • Brazil’s most accurate, AI-driven underwriting engine:  AUC = 0.79+
  • Proven to reduce delinquency by 50% at scale while growing exposure

Underwriting Acquisition

Acquire new customers more profitably than any other lender in Brazil

  • AI-driven decisions for managing customers
  • Optimize credit portfolios with optimally timed credit line increases and decreases

Customer Management

Turn an unprofitable lending portfolio into one of Brazil’s most profitable

AI-Enabled Customer Interaction

  • Brazil’s only marketing engine that uses AI to optimize by credit quality at the top of funnel in real time
  • Optimize CAC by risk band and by channel
  • Proven to reduce the credit risk at the top of funnel by > 50%

Online Marketing

Reduce acquision costs while improving customer quality

  • LATAM’s most extensible and easy to update credit card billing platform
  • Deliver invoices by a variety of digital channels
  • Integrate in days – not months

LATAM’s most versatile credit card invoicing platform

Acquire new customers more profitably than any other lender in Brazil

  • 50% more efficient than other outsourced collections platform
  • AI-driven decisions to decide contact channel, time of day and create customer offers
  • Leverages WhatsApp, email, phone and social media to optimize customer contact success


Proven to increase collections rates at while reducing collection costs

Provide your customers Brazil’s most well-loved and profitable credit card

Credit card and app that contains all of Brazilian’s most loved features

Unique features to differentiate your card from others

Integration of AI at every step enables a faster cash payback period than any other card in Brazil

Online Marketing

Brazil’s only system for optimizing paid marketing by customer risk band

Onboarding & KYC

  • Customer onboard in < 3 minutes without a photo ID
  • Net fraud rate < 0.01%

& Customer


  • Proven to onboard more customers with Brazil’s lowest initial delinquency rates
  • AI-driven customer credit limit increases


Flexible, multi-channel invoicing

Customer Support

  • Brazil’s favorite customer support
  • Higher Reclaime Aqui ratings of any credit card


Brazil’s most efficient collections rates

Desenvolvido por: Bulki e WPTotal